So you might not get the sword I got from that crypt, until you are around 30. It does 418-512 damage, which is more than enough, but it also increases the intensity of all five signs by 20.

This last time through, I was very low level and didn't get that same sword and instead, got some other level 17 relic sword. While no matter the build I personally always end up using aerondight I almost always end up being a sign heavy build/ The best sword for sign builds is Vitis in my opinion. I have run through this game 3 times(story) and the last two times I was getting a pretty sweet looking level 27 relic sword that had knuckle guards and a serrated blade, from near the lighthouse that is south of Novigrad, on an island and in a serpent's nest. What I wonder, though, is if your level determines your loot. It's a level 37 steel relic sword and does more base damage than my master craft witcher cat school steel sword, although, my Cat School has the best attributes. It's one of those relic sword designs that has an "S" shape running the whole length of the blade, like waves.looks cool. Do the monster contract and there and you should get this sword as a drop and/ or in the nearby chest. Far south of Midscope, in an abandoned village overrun by ghouls. I can't remember the name, but I found one such sword in a vampire's crypt, I think.

you'll find higher level gear than even that of your master crafted witcher school gear. However, if you venture about and do monster contracts and explore ruins/ tunnels etc. They are typically over-spec'd as it is, probably usable well into your 40's. Dunno.for the most part, the various witcher school gear is amongst the best you can craft.