No specific release date for the Workshop update has been announced, but the Left 4 Dead blog promises more details will be released closer to launch. The modding tools will also have an expanded scripting toolset which will let users create their own Mutations gametypes that significantly alter the rules of the core game. For Left 4 Dead 2, that functionality is being tweaked - according to the game's official blog, the Workshop will "allow content to appear in the L4D2 world even more seamlessly based on the community's response." The Steam Workshop, which offers similar mod support to The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim and Team Fortress 2, gives users a place to upload, review, and discuss user-made mods for applicable games. Seriously, don’t shoot the Witch.Left 4 Dead 2 will receive Steam Workshop functionality next month, allowing players of the PC, Mac, and Linux versions of the game to access tons of community-made levels and other add-ons. While the Witch now sounds a lot funnier, she’ll still down you in one hit. Relive a simpler time by changing the Witch’s cry to this iconic ancient meme. Ive included two screenshots I took during that recent session of Left 4 Dead 2 showcasing both my L4D2 and L4D teams. If you played Left 4 Dead 2 when it was originally released, chances are this mod will resurface past memories of the weird auto-tune viral video fad from the late 2000’s. This mod makes no sense, but yet feels so right. While it’s just an aesthetic change, it’s hilarious watching assault rifle-wielding Velociraptors run around, trying to dodge, duck, dip, dive, and dodge their way around everything. It replaces the Survivors with Velociraptors. If you need a serotonin boost, add the Velociraptors mod.

Why not take this cursed info and bring it to Left 4 Dead 2? They won’t be nearly as clumsy, and the color rush might be jarring when you see a sweeping rainbow of bean people swarm you after getting covered in Boomer vile. It is well known that Fall Guys are 183 cm tall.