The Swarm: At the end of the episode it gangs up to kill a dying Postosuchus.
Offing the Offspring: Whenever food gets scarce, they will eat their own babies without a second thought.
Not that the Coelophysis would care much, because they also eat their own young.
Laser-Guided Karma: A Coelophysis eats a baby cynodont, the cynodont father later hunts a baby Coelophysis.
Jack-of-All-Stats: It is not notable for anything in particular (except perhaps explosive breeding) yet it is thanks to that lack of specialization that it is so adaptable and has become the most common resident vertebrate in the area.
I am a Humanitarian: When all other resources disappear during the dry season, they resort to eating members of their own species.
Doubles as one for Theropod dinosaurs, who will soon become the dominant predators on Earth, and remain such for 140 million years.
From Nobody to Nightmare: Thought introduced as potential predators of Placerias right away, it is hard to picture them as such until they become The Swarm, and by that point even Postosuchus is in their sight.
Fragile Speedster: It's faster and more agile than any other reptile of the time, but it's also more fragile than the other reptiles.
Extreme Omnigoat: If it got meat, it is eaten by Coelophysis.
Explosive Breeder: We don't see them laying eggs, but they keep breeding even during the dry season until there is nothing left to eat but themselves.
Eats Babies: Of their own kind! And the cynodonts.
Big Eater: It is constantly seen eating or trying to eat, and everything is game to it.
Ape Shall Never Kill Ape: Mercilessly averted.
It's noteworthy in that it's the only one of the four to be replaced by another dinosaur-in this case, Liliensternus, a similar theropod that actually did coexist with Plateosaurus.
Adapted Out: One of the four protagonist animals along with Diplodocus, Liopleurodon and Leallynasaura to be absent from the Arena Spectacular, apparently to avert Misplaced Wildlife on the part of Plateosaurus (who was native to Europe, as opposed to North America like Coelophysis).
Placerias and Postosuchus, to put it bluntly, weren't so lucky.
Action Survivor: The one animal along with the cynodonts, Peteinosaurus and Plateosaurus that survived the trials and tribulations of the Triassic.
Action Girl: The one we most frequently see and who appears to be the pack's leader is female.
Abusive Parents: All too willing to devour their own babies if they are low on food.
The first dinosaur to appear, and the main character of this episode.